
Why BajaSAT?
QUICK– We evaluate all of the providers and services that are available in your area. We then provide the best solutions to meet your needs.
EASY– One call that saves you time, and is hassle free. You pick the package that best fits what you want.
FREE– Yes, our consultation is quick, easy and most importantly it is provided at no charge to the consumer.

Great Benefits!
Keep up to date with your favorite games and shows with US programming
Avoid international fees and receive a US phone number to stay in touch with loved ones
If you can’t get cable or dsl internet BajaSat has the solution for you
Tired of being blocked for not having a US IP address? BajaSat has the solution for you

Get a quote now!


Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Will I be able to see all channels from U.S.?
Yes, you will have programming from he U.S. In other words, you won’t miss your next favorite game or show!
2) How will I be billed?
You will have full control and access to your account as if you were still in the US
3) Who will come an install the equipment?
BajaSat will send you one of our local certified installers to do the job right.
4) What if I am already an existing customer with one of the providers?

We will be glad to assist you with your relocation and/or upgrade you to the latest equipment.

(619) 450-1699